A Beautiful Success Story

"A young man came crying to his teacher in school in 2021. He states that his father lost his job due to covid pandemic. He stated to the teacher, that he was living at the Salvation Army shelter and had just moved into a new apartment and had nothing to sleep on and really wanted a kitchen table at which his entire family could have dinner together.


His teacher Jess contacted Mindy in hopes she could help this family out. Mindy came to Chris with the story and that’s when they came up with a plan to help the family of seven out.


About two weeks later, the entire family along with members of the school were invited to our warehouse, for dinner. Little did the family know what was taking place. Mindy and I had a kitchen table with seating for eight prepared for the family to enjoy dinner at.


After dinner finished, we announced to this family, directing our attention to the young man who started this. Asking him, what was the one thing he told Ms. Jess he wanted. He stated a dinner table in which he and his family could eat and have family time at. It was then Mindy and I told him, that the table at which they were all sitting was now theirs, which brought the father to tears. This is where we started having a little bit of fun.


Mindy had prepared four or five bags of brand-new blankets, sheets, pillowcases and towels that the family could take home. Mindy and I then handed the mother and father a roll of blue tape. We told them to walk through our store and put a piece of tape on anything that they wanted for their new apartment. After about an hour, with bags full of an assortment of different items that all seven members of the family pick out.


They bid farewell. We told them we would get it all taken care of and would deliver everything they couldn’t carry, over the following weekend. After two trailer loads of furniture, the family had a fully furnished apartment."